
Frequently Asked Questions


The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board/IROCC will NOT offer legal opinions on Federal H.R. 218/LEOSA statutes or legislation.



Does this legislation provide any status or legal authority as a law enforcement officer?

No.  Retired officers qualified to carry a concealed weapon through legislation have no authority as a law enforcement officer.  They remain private citizens without law enforcement authority, and are bound to legal standards of a citizen with regard to use of force.


I left my agency after serving 11 years and did not retire.   Do I qualify for LEOSA/IROCC?

Yes.  The October 2010 amendments to the statute changed the requirement for a qualified law enforcement officer to an individual that separated (not necessarily retired) from service as a law enforcement officer after serving an aggregate of 10 years or more.


I completed my probationary period as a law enforcement officer, but was injured shortly thereafter and separated from the department/agency.  Do I qualify for LEOSA/IROCC?

Yes.  If your agency determined that you had a service-connected disability and you were separated after completing any applicable probationary period.


Am I eligible for IROCC if I have not retired/separated and I am drawing disability reimbursement from my agency?

No.  You must be retired or separated from the agency.


I worked at multiple agencies for less than ten years each before separating.  Do I qualify under LEOSA?   Ex. One agency for three years, and another for seven years.

Yes.  As long as your service at both agencies meets the requirements contained within the statute, you will have served an aggregate of 10 years and are considered a qualified retired law enforcement officer under the statute.  You will need to provide proof of service from each agency. 


I am retired Military/DOD Police.   Does LEOSA apply to me?

Yes.  On January 2, 2013, LEOSA was amended to specifically allow for active and “retired” (as defined by LEOSA) Military and DOD Police, and law enforcement officers with UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) apprehension authority, to qualify for the statute; however, a standard CAC or blue retiree card will not work for LEOSA purposes, as the photographic ID must identify the individual as either being actively, or having once been employed, as a police or law enforcement officer of the agency.   The DOD’s LEOSA police, DODI 5525.12 (included as a link on our IROCC website) was recently amended to address this issue.


What is the fee to apply for the IROCC program?

The IROCC application fee is $75 for one firearm type, or $100 for both Revolver and Semi-Automatic.  These application fees are the only funds collected to operate the program.   The IROCC program is set up as a not-for-profit, and receives no state or federal funding.


May I use my last department qualification for the initial IROCC firearm qualification?

No.  All firearm qualifications must be completed at designated IROCC ranges, using IROCC approved range officers.


What if my retiring department/agency will not give me a photo identification card?

Unfortunately, without a photo identification card issued by your retiring department/agency you are not eligible for the IROCC program.  As the applicant, it is your responsibility to obtain this from your department/agency.   


May I remain in the IROCC program if I establish permanent residence in another state?

No.  To participate in the IROCC program you must reside in Illinois.


If my FOID card is lost, revoked, or expired am I eligible to apply for the IROCC program?

No.  You must have a valid FOID card to apply for the IROCC program.


Can you use the photo from my IL Driver’s License or FOID card?

No.  We do not have access to the IL Driver’s License or FOID photos.  You must provide a photo to be used on your IROCC card.  The photo needs to be in color, at least 2in. x 2in, and a centered view of full face.  Keep in mind the photo that is submitted will be the photo on your IROCC card.   


Do I need to provide a photo each year?

No.  We will keep the submitted photo in our database.  However, you are welcome to update your photo.   All you need to do is include an updated photo with your renewal application.


Can I become qualified with more than one weapon?

Yes.  You may become qualified with two weapon types (Revolver and Semi-Automatic).


Is IROCC required to record information of firearm(s) I qualify with?



Once I am pre-approved, what is the next step to become qualified?

Once the application has been processed you will received a pre-qualification packet with instructions on attending a firearm qualification shoot.  Included in this packet will be a current range schedule with dates and locations.  You must register to secure the preferred date for your firearm qualification.


What is the course of fire?

In order to qualify, you must place 21 hits out of 30 rounds within the 8x14 target area (70% proficiency).  You will be provided two opportunities to qualify; shooting a total of 30 rounds for each opportunity.   If you are qualifying with two firearms, a revolver and a semi-automatic, you will be given one opportunity (30 rounds) for each weapon.   The course of fire is 12 rounds from the five yard line, 12 rounds from the seven yard line and 6 rounds from the fifteen yard line.


What if I fail the qualification?

In order to attend another IROCC qualification shoot, you will need to send in a renewal application, which includes another application fee.


Once I am qualified, do I ever need to be re-qualified?

Yes.  You must re-qualify annually.


If I qualify early, does that extend my current IROCC card?

No.  The issue and expiration dates are based on when you shoot this year, regardless of your previous IROCC card.


If I allow my IROCC card to lapse and decide to renew, must I start the process from the beginning?

No.  If we have record of past participation you are considered a renewal applicant.


Does the Illinois civilian concealed carry placard posted throughout the state restrict concealed carry for retirees carrying under H.R. 218 LEOSA statutes?

Clear “documented” guidance has not been provided for ILETSB or IROCC.


Does my IROCC card allow me to carry my firearm on an airline?

No.  The IROCC card is verification you have met the yearly live fire qualification required by H.R. 218/LEOSA.  It is not a concealed carry license.  You must contact the specific airline and follow their prescribed procedures.  For information provided by TSA on transporting firearms and ammunition, please click here.


Does the IROCC program offer insurance for its participants?

No.  The IROCC program does not endorse a specific company or plan.  However, we do recommend everyone obtain personal liability insurance.   Please see the About IROCC section of our site for more information.